Qualification: Certificate II in Electrotechnology
RTO: Northern College of the Arts and Technology
A childhood fascination with trains and all things mechanical sparked Carly’s decision to follow a comprehensive VET pathway as part of her Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE).
With incredible determination and passion, Carly has completed pre-vocational qualifications in engineering, electrotechnology, plumbing and automotive alongside her core VCE subjects at the Northern College of the Arts and Technology (NCAT).
Carly is a Year 12 student at NCAT, and her ultimate goal is to secure an electrical apprenticeship and become an A-Grade electrician.
Carly’s approach to VET has broadened her perspective and prepared her well for a career in the trades, proving that a woman’s place in the world of work is wherever she wants it to be.
With an unwavering commitment to vocational inclusivity, Carly is challenging gender stereotypes, promoting diversity in the trades and working tirelessly in her role as ambassador for the Young Women in Trades and Technology Group.