Essential Energy operates and maintains one of Australia’s largest electricity distribution networks. It is also an enterprise registered training organisation (ERTO), and has relationships in place with TAFE NSW and other specialist RTOs. It has trained over 1,350 apprentices since 2001, with 92% completing their cable jointing, powerline and electrotechnology qualifications, 64% staying with the company and around a quarter promoted into supervisory roles.
The company’s trade pathways create genuine career opportunities across regional, rural and remote NSW. Essential Energy recruits and trains locally, and this is the key to its success. By recruiting and training apprentices from across its network footprint which covers 95% of NSW and parts of southern Queensland, they are more likely to stay and work within their regions after completing their apprenticeship programs.
Essential Energy is committed to training the workforce of tomorrow, ensuring its tradespeople can inspire and enable the ‘network of the future.’