Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
RTO: Central Regional TAFE
Employer: Toodyay Early Learning Centre
Hannah was inspired to pursue a career path where she could positively affect the lives of young people, after she undertook a trip to the Philippines. Following her passion for working with children and advocating for children's rights, Hannah undertook a traineeship with Toodyay Early learning Centre and completed a Certificate III in Early Childhood and Education and Care through Central Regional TAFE.
Hannah actively shares her experience with others, and has taken on a mentoring role within her workplace. She positively contributes to change practices within her workplace, updating the service policy regarding traineeships to now include a mentorship program and paid study leave for future trainees.
Hannah was the President of the Toodyay Youth Reference group, a leadership group of teenagers who consulted with the local council to plan activities and workshops for the youth of her community. She facilitated workshops in event planning, dance fitness, pre-learner driver safety and promotes youth inclusion by hosting events such as R U OK day and attending the annual ‘zero 2 hero’ conference.