Partners: Advance Queensland – Deadly Innovation, Back to Work, MEGT Australia, Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council, Palm Island Community Company, Qld Government Customer and Digital Group, Rainbow Gateway, Telstra Australia, TAFE QLD.
The Palm Island Digital Service Centre is a community-owned and operated call centre agency that provides customer engagement services for Telstra Australia. It is a collaboration between nine diverse partners from industry, community, government and the VET sector, and it offers Certificate III in Business traineeships with a guaranteed employment outcome to local community members of Palm Island.
TAFE Queensland delivers a culturally safe pre-employment ‘bootcamp’ and Certificate III in Business traineeship, with a First Nations community tutor among its experienced and expert staff.
The Palm Island Community Company employs local residents to deliver call centre support for Telstra Australia.
Rainbow Gateway and MEGT Australia provide employment and training contract support, with additional backing from the Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council and the Queensland Government.
However, the outstanding success of the collaboration could not have been achieved without the dedication, commitment, engagement and input of Palm Island’s local community members.